Loosely based on Robert A. Heinlein's classic science fiction novel, Space Cadet, the Tom Corbett Space Cadet radio show created a national craze. The eight books by Carey Rockwell continue Tom's adventures—and bring them to new heights of action and excitement!
In Treachery in Outer Space, Tom Corbett and his two pals of the Polaris unit are assigned to monitor three giant spaceships entered in the most famous race in all space history—a race to the planet Titan, where rich crystal mines are located.
One of the boys is assigned to each spaceship and the race gets underway. The prize is the contract to haul the crystal from titan to the other planets of the universe. As a result of treachery, the best ship does not win, and the foul play reveals a dastardly plot to seize the entire Titan mining operations!