Q TIP talks about one Correctional officer's personal experience of working at San Quentin State Prison. Being and African American female C.O. working in a men's institution, Officer K. is candid and for real when talking bout the things she went through. As Officer K puts it, she went through seven years of bad luck, and had to get out of The Q by any means necessary! You will find this book exciting and exhilerating, and written in such a way that you can put yourself there as an Officer, Inmate or Convict.
The main reason Q TIP was written is so our younger generation can learn from other people's mistakes. Officer K wants you to think and pay attention to what's really going on inside an institutional setting. The prison industry is designed to conquer and destroy an entire generation of people, whether they are Black or Brown. Officer K doesn't want you to get caught up in the game. So when you read Q TIP, and you will read it sooner or later, Officer K just wants you to think. You THINK you THANK!