Similar to Yoga in its concepts of executing specific (but not overly
strenuous) physical exercises, Ch'i Gung strives to enhance enegy flow to facilitate the expansion of spiritual awareness. In crisply descriptive language, Dr. Carpenter takes the reder through a series of fundamental movements and breathing exercises that build toward more advanced levels of practice and enlightenment. He carefully explains the aim of each exercise, describes how it should feel and what benefit it brings to different areas of the body. Another portion of the book describes the five elemental personality types (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood) of Ch'i Gung, and once one has mastered the physical movements and reached an understanding of their particular character traits, true spiritual awakening can be achieved.Wriiten in articulately expressive language, Dr. Carpenter challenges the reader to embark on a life-altering journey of self-realization that leads to a harmonious balance of mind and body.