At Shop Talk! we are committed to the leather industry, creating a niche community that unites raw goods and equipment/machinery manufacturers with traditional leather craftsman, boot and shoe makers, and next generation leather artisans. Join the Shop Talk! community and subscribe today!
Women Only! Holster Design Class
Horween Leather Bundles - 40 sqft
Give your project a pop of texture with Embossed Leather!
Design and Construction of the Practical Leather Holster: Pancake edition • Unlock the Art of Crafting Perfect Holsters!
Women’s Work - It’s Not What You Think It Is
Real Leather. Stay different. announces finalists for the 2024 International Student Design Competition
The Benefits of Western Traditional Leather Craftsmanship, Woodworking, and Silversmithing
THE HIDE REPORT • The following is used with permission from, the premier source for information regarding the worldwide hide and leather markets. Please remember that this information will be a month old by the time it reaches you.
Designing a Leather Project
Having traded licenses for leather crafts, Kingsley Thompson at home in his Cheltenham workshop
The Old Leather Man
Geocaching the Leather Man
A Curated Guide to the Leather Man Online
Vermont Glove: From Silk to Utility • The reason behind the durability and quality of these gloves is not only due to the assiduous manufacturing, but also the use of goat leather.
Monty Reedy: It’s All in the Geometry
Sporran Part 2 of 2
Disturbing the Status Quo: A Simple Yet Disruptive Approach to Employee Engagement • If you want to cultivate a workforce that is deeply engaged, you must inspire them to reach for their highest professional aspirations, transforming the mundane march into an extraordinary exploration.