Peterson's Master the GED 2013 provides practice tests, subject review, and expert tips on how to score high on each GED test. This comprehensive resource includes 3 full-length practice tests, including a Diagnostic Test to determine strengths and weaknesses, with detailed answer explanations. Also includes in-depth review of each GED test subject, Language Arts, Writing; Language Arts, Reading; Social Studies; Science; and Mathematics, with practice questions and easy-to-understand answer explanations.
For extra help in Social Studies, Science, or Math, Master the GED offers a unique benefit: easy-to-use links to, an innovative Web site where interactive subject help is offered via high-quality multimedia lessons and course content. HippoCampus™ is a project of the Monterey Institute for Technology and Education (MITE), supported by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and designed as part of Open Education Resources (OER).